Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I Propose Rush develop Chicago's First Melanoma Research Center

A Melanoma Research Center for Rush

"get the latest advances coming out of research institutions into the patient with cancer."
-- Goal of Dr. Howard Kaufman, New Director of Rush Cancer Programs

Melanoma is the fastest growing cancer in the U.S. and Worldwide
  •  American Cancer Society estimates risk of developing invasive melanoma is 1 in 41 men and 1 in 61 women.
  •  Incidence of people under 30 developing melanoma increasing faster than any other demographic group, soaring by 50% in young women since 1980. 
  •   Melanoma is most common cancer for young adults 25 to 29 years old and second most common cancer in adolescents and young adults 15 to 29 years old.
  •   Midwest Melanoma patients often must seek treatment in Bethesda, Houston, New York, and Boston.
  •   Melanoma’s death rate is directly proportionate to the patient’s proximity to quality care

    Rush is a global medical hub capable of building a Melanoma Research Center in Chicago, which expedites advanced patient treatment like no other

    • Rush is committed to becoming Chicago’s premier Cancer Center with a full range of critical research and treatments that could approach melanoma in a new manner.
    • National Cancer Institute has overseen the bulk of melanoma research dollars, trial approvals, and actual trials but effective treatment remains beyond reach.
    •   Time for bolder paradigms that involve multiple medical disciplines, while combining and sequencing existing and new treatments.
    •  Dr. Kaufman exemplifies this approach, leading research in new classes of biologics, building expertise in sequencing treatment combinations, and fostering relationships with different research lines, pharmaceutical companies, academic institutes, insurance forums, and governmental entities including the National Institutes of Health and NCI.
    •  New resources could align to help make Rush’s Melanoma Research Center a reality, due in part to a tenacious Chicago recipient of 3 NCI Clinical Trials who has come to Rush because of Dr. Kaufman.
    • This patient’s shared vision of finding a cure has a team of advocates and business professionals anxious to collaborate on developing this Center via an abundance of new resources, talent, and determination.
    • Over a decade since the last melanoma drug was approved.  Today top researchers assert that within five years, more than half of all melanomas will be curable.  

      These cures should happen at Rush. 


Ellen Spector Platt said...

Take it from a New Yorker who used to live in the stix, spreading research facilities around the country makes a tremendous amount of sense. Accessibility to new treatments is key. Rush sounds ideal!

Unknown said...

Chicago is an ideal site for such a center as it is both centrally located, with two good airports that are easily accessible and a hub for many airlines.

Art & Ginny

Maggie said...

Rush makes sense to me - good luck to you and the doctors as you pursue this

Unknown said...

Keep up the good work! Your pursuits make a lot of sense to me too.

Carole Willner said...

It is very important to establish a major research center for the cure for melanoma of our large country. Patients who live in this area should not have to travel long distances for treatment.

Bonnie Johnston said...

As a nurse I am so pleased to see this fine work going on. I am so glad that someone I know will be involved.

Christina Senese said...

Chicago, one of the greatest cities in the world, should have a world class melanoma center. It's clear that Dr Kaufman at Rush is the doctor to lead the way. Susan, I've always known you to be able to accomplish anything you set your mind to. I have no doubt that this will become a reality.

madart said...

Sounds like a a must for the Chicago area. I know you will make it happen.

Ellie St. John said...

Thanks for starting this blog.

Anonymous said...

Rush is an ideal location for the Melanoma Research Center. The neighborhood is like a family of medical research real estate - there is so much going on that it will just breed better health and wellness possibilities. And look at the expansion possibilities: the old Cook County hospital is more of the future. What can we do to help facilitate - pun intended - this great idea?!

Laura Dugan said...

It must have taken a lot of energy to have to travel to Baltimore for research study treatment. I never thought about it before, but it seems ridiculous that you had to do that... Chicago is a major city. I am going to call Oprah! Someone needs to fix this!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you on this snowy day mmg

Sara Sherry said...

You can do it!! Thoughts and prayers are with you!!

Ellie said...

Susan, If anyone can do the job, it will be you. I know with your determination, this Melanoma Research Center will begin in Chicago. You are in my prayers, Ellie

Anonymous said...

My boyfriend just took care of 2 moles on his head- I told him how important it was to check it out. Thanks for sharing your story.

Anonymous said...

Please expedite venues to find a cure for all cancers, especially melanoma for Susan and increasingly countless others.

Anonymous said...

Please expedite venues to find a cure for all cancers, especially melanoma for Susan and increasingly countless others.

Anonymous said...

Keep fighting the good fight(s)!


Anonymous said...

Good luck. Prayers are with you.

Anonymous said...

It is essential that a major research center for melanoma be developed in the Chicago area. Patients with melanoma are involved in the fight of their lives and need to direct their energies to battling the disease, not traveling long distances for cutting-edge treatment.

Anonymous said...

omg i love you!!!~!!!~!!!~!!!

Anonymous said...

I'll pray for you =)<3

Unknown said...

Chicago needs a Melanoma center. Keep fighting Susan!!!

nbaskerville said...

What better place than Chicago for such a haven. This problem can no longer be ignored.