Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Beware this PSA will make you cringe & teens take notice!


Unknown said...

Hi Susan,
This is a powerful message. I hope it keeps teens away from the tanning beds. Thank you for posting it.

Art and Ginny

Anonymous said...

I hope this message gives pause to those who are using tanning beds.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan, I'm a friend of Adriane and John. I hope the PET shows positive impacts! I tried a tanning bed only once. It made my skin itch the next day so I decided it wasn't for me. It really shouldn't be for anybody. I hope your courage will contribute to a possible cure for melanoma. I lost a friend years ago to cancer. His insurance company wouldn't cover experimental treatments. Hopefully, our health care industry will change so that advances in science through procedures such as yours will have a positive impact on people's lives. We're praying for you. Cancer affects many lives including our own. Keep fighting!
Sincerely, Michael Foltz

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting. Your blog is inspiring. I have shared it with my 30 year old daughter. Good luck this week, I will be thinking positive thoughts. Cheryl Gentry --- work mate with Adriane

Anonymous said...

Scary stufff! Thanks!