Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Chicago Tribune picks up Skin of Steel

Chicago Tribune Covers Skin of Steel: Ganging Up on Skin Cancer


Unknown said...

Dear Susan,
Great article and picture. I ams sure this press will help push the initiative forward. Good luck with the Chicago melanoma consortium. What incredible progress you have made in such short time. Your garden is beautiful!


Unknown said...

Dear Susan,
Great article and picture. I ams sure this press will help push the initiative forward. Good luck with the Chicago melanoma consortium. What incredible progress you have made in such short time. Your garden is beautiful!


Unknown said...

You are on your way to making skin cancer awareness as famous as the breast cancer pioneers that started the Susan B Komen Foundation! Once again-BRAVO, Susan. And, congratulation on your son's graduation in=between all your other activities. Grandma Joan is very, very proud.
Keep up your spirits and the great work,
Phyllis of Venice (who happens to be up in NY near Albany)