Monday, March 8, 2010

1st SOS SUN SAFE CHALLENGE: Ms. Lessard's vs Mr. Damseaux's Class

To all you great students following the Skin of Steel blog go many heartfelt thanks!  Such wonderful words of encouragement and hope.  I am humbled and amazed at the attention you have bestowed on the Skin of Steel blog.

Now however, I must lay down the challenge.  Student attention is just not going to cut it.  I actually need more from you.  I would like to see which class can be fully sun safe first.  Sun safe means that every student AND teacher carries sun screen on their person daily, USES it, and tracks daily usage.  Sun safe means that every student has the coolest hat of the season, WEARS it outside, and tracks daily usage. Google Eugenia Kim & Target.  Sun safe means that each of you figure out how to have a baseline body scan/ skin screening done.  Check around bkz May is Melanoma month and there will be free scans/screenings at hospitals and through dermatology offices.  Sun safe means you convince one or more other person to make one of these personal changes too.  Game on.  Winner gets free pizza courtesy of your teacher!


LaVonna said...

I am from Mr. Damseaux's class and I want to thank you for bringing Melanoma month to my attention. I will definetly be sun safe!
-LaVonna L.

Anonymous said...

I think what you are doing is great.

Gareth Imparato said...

Hi, I'm from Mr. Damseaux's class and I'd also like to thank you for this effort. Melanoma seems to often be de-emphasized when compared with other cancers, due to the fact that it is often treatable, and without efforts like those I don't see how that perception will change. I hope that more are willing to learn thanks to your effort, and that with it change can happen.
Gareth I

Unknown said...

I am from Mr. Damseaux's class, and instantly sympathized with your case. My father has recently developed signs of skin cancer, as a fair skinned, red haired, californian boy, and so I have been taking skin cancer much more seriously. I think that your blog is a great chance for young people like myself to find out what sort of danger we are facing, and how we can brace ourselves for the impact that is skin cancer.
Thank you and best wishes!
~Aidan Walsh

Bee said...

Hi Susan. I'm in Mr. Damseaux's class as well and I am so glad he directed us to your blog. This is a great way to get the word out about melanoma, especially to young people like us who need this kind of inspiration to start preventing the disease early. I wish you the best of luck!

- Bee Lockwood

Anonymous said...

I should digg your article therefore other folks are able to see it, really useful, I had a hard time finding the results searching on the web, thanks.

- Norman