Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sitting on the Edge

Reading the Melanoma Research Foundation's (MRF) Winter Newsletter, I was again struck by the possibility of sitting on the edge of a miracle.  I know cancer patients can sound overly and sometimes ridiculously optimistic.  For those of you who have watched me fight know I've been a hard-core pragmatist since 2005.  But I really am struggling right now with a heat in my belly that is taking the form of hope.  Here is why...

Tim Turnham, Exec Director of the MRF, states in the Newsletter:

Earlier this fall, I heard one of the top laboratory researchers assert that within the next five years, more than half of all melanomas will be curable.  While others may object that this it too optimistic, I have not met anyone who disagrees that big changes are coming, and coming soon.  Given this opportunity, we are compelled to do everything in our power to accelerate the pace by which treatment options are investigated and, if shown to be promising, moved into the clinical setting.  We cannot make this happen by being timid, or through modest growth.

That said, my shoulder aches, my neck is pinched, my skin's peeling, fever comes and goes, fatigue is a constant AND I remain psyched.  I believe in my heart of hearts that there is no reason melanoma patients can't benefit from the example the breast cancer fight has made.  We are sitting on the edge of finding cures for a disease that discriminates against none of us.


Unknown said...

Susan, "ridiculously optimistic"?!! I would say "infectiously optimistic"!!! Your passion to push the science helps me dare to hope. We love ya! The Manns

joansteel said...

so glad you shared the info from the melanoma newsletter. It was the best "official" news in a long time.

Anonymous said...

A friend of Art and Ginny's is praying for you

Anonymous said...

having cancer and beening optimistic is not the only way to make it through cancer but is the biggest one. believing that it will get better makes it better.

Anonymous said...

Hope they find a cure for you :)